Replaces Hold fields in the exposure sheet. Valid for nontrivial exposure sheets. Replaces Hold fields in the exposure sheet Displays the contents of the clipboard. Selects the entire document. Valid for all windows. Selects the entire document. Clears the document. Valid when there's something in the document. Clears the document. Clears the selected area. Valid when there's a selected area. Clears the selected area. Pastes in a copy of the clipboard under the layers of the affected frames. Valid when the clipboard contains an appropriate format. Pastes in a copy of the clipboard under the layers of the affected frames. Pastes in the contents of the clipboard. Valid when the clipboard contains an appropriate format. Pastes in a copy of the clipboard before this layer. Pastes in the contents of the clipboard. Valid when the clipboard contains an appropriate format. Pastes in the contents of the clipboard. Replaces textual portions of the exposure sheet. Valid for nontrivial exposure sheets. Replaces textual portions of the exposure sheet Places the selected item into the clipboard. Valid when something is selected. Places the selected item into the clipboard Removes the selected item to the clipboard. Valid when something is selected. Removes the selected item to the clipboard Reverses the effect of the previous operation. Valid when there is something to undo. Reverses the effect of the previous operation Provides editing & clipboard